Did Steve Jobs’ Time In India Influence Apple’s Move To India?

Was the Indian connection established when Steve Jobs was not Steve Jobs?

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With Apple’s biggest iPhone manufacturing unit coming up near Hosur, Bengaluru, the company sure seems to be taking a bet on India. While most of the dream companies are cost-cutting, mass-firing and, restructuring, this seems like an odd decision.

Economic Times recently published an article which analysed whether Apple’s move to India was a forced political one or a forward-looking economic one. What’s for sure is that the United States is shifting to a containment-based strategy toward China.

Yes! India taking on what was known as the most powerful manufacturing-hub of the world. Tata Electronics(amongst others) have made this a reality with tribal women residing near Ranchi and Hazaribagh being trained to make iPhones. Infact, the iPhone 14 shipping in the 3rd quarter will be made purely in India!

Got me thinking. Steve Jobs spent a significant amount of time in India, before founding Apple. Does this have anything to do with Apple betting on India right now? Is this why the company is bulletproof to the SUDDEN firing frenzy??

And I decided to dig a little further…

Pune Teen Says Apple Watch saved his life

Smit Mehta, a young Pune boy was on a trip to Lonavala with his friends. It was a rainy day and poor Smit slipped 150 feet down a valley with his phone in his friend’s bag. He was lucky enough to contact his parents with his iWatch, after breaking an ankle and getting stuck in a tree.

Smit later wrote a letter to Tim Cook, “My Apple Watch came to my rescue as I was able to make those important phone calls”. Cook definitely noticed.

Ad Tech Ripples

You must be living under a rock if you don’t know that you are being tracked on the internet. Companies like Facebook identified patterns in your browsing behaviour and were in the Digital Ad Business. Yes, ads were designed specifically for you to click!

Now, Apple introduced a new App Tracking software which would track your behaviour through apps. With cutting-edge data science and Artificial Intelligence, this became the dominating software in the Digital Ad Business and companies affiliated to Facebook for marketing evaporated.

On the same lines, Google also decided to pull third-party cookies from Google Chrome. Clearly this business meant higher margins and more capital. What’s even more surprising is that, many dream companies like Twitter, Disney and Amazon are reorganizing, abolishing pesky silos and, implementing dynamic paywalls. Everyone is getting affected!

Apple Store Workers are unionizing

While Apple shifts focus on India, the USA offices have been tolled. Workers from 2 stores have come together, demanding the right to collectively bargain with Apple. And the word is spreading, more stores have now come onboard with the movement.

Customers are being oversold on warranties about repairing and replacement. This is sus because Apple devices are suppose to be premium. Why is Apple training its workers to market an expensive warranty, just in the States? Why would you want to lose your customers? What else could be so important? India?

The world population reached 8B yesterday, according to UN projections. It’s more than tripled since 1950 and is expected to peak at ~10.4B circa 2080.

Amazon is launching Amazon Clinic, a telehealth platform for common conditions, just months after shuttering Amazon Care.

Why go to Paris when you can just build Lego’s new 10,001-piece Eiffel Tower that is five feet tall and costs $630.