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How people in Delhi feel stepping out after Diwali

But Delhi being

“A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi.” Now earthquakes are not the only thing to watch out for if you are a resident of NCR. No, most of you would more likely die from the air you breathe or the politics which govern you.

Ok, some context. WHO or the World Health Organization says that Delhi has the worst air quality in a survey of 1650 cities. Moreover, according to Bloomberg, 16.7lkh people died due to polluted air in India at the year 2019. Meanwhile, let’s jump to how India is reacting…

In reaction to the smog scene happening from airborne-pollutants across NCR areas, Zomato posted the following tweet:

To this tweet, a witty Indian user replied, “haha jokes on you Zomato… this tweet is not visible for Delhites right now.”!

You might be laughing to this savage reply but, the reality of the matter is Delhi’s case is going from bad to worse. With climate change eroding farmlands, flooding cities and causing unearthly season changes across India, the situation is anything but a laughing matter!

The Pollution: CSE Report

The AQI or Air Quality Index was 348 this Tuesday morning according to the Control Board. In case you are not aware, this puts Delhi in the “Hazardous” air quality section for the fourth consecutive day. Kejriwal definetley noticed this and quickly ordered the city to vacate home for a couple of days.

50% government staff and all school kids were spending home/family time this week thanks to the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party. Maybe something we should get use to in this post Covid era?

While Kejriwal blamed the Punjab crop burning fiasco for this sudden blip, the CSE(Center for Science and Environment) observed several reasons for the gradual decline of air quality in data. The major contributor to PM2.5(particulate matter about 25 to 100 times thinner than a human hair) is Vehicular Emission at 51%. Next come Residential and Industrial area at 13% and 11% respectively. Some other sources for the particulate include Construction and Burning of waste.

AQI Chart

Here are some numbers for you!

The Politics: AAP vs/ BJP

While we at home are suffering from breathlessness, chest constriction, irritation in eyes, and god knows what from the new-found pollution, there is something else cooking in the world of politics. The MCD polls are around the corner and BJP is targeting AAP over failure in controlling pollution.

On the other hand, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai announces that AAP’s key agenda will be “BJP garbage mismanagement”. Infact AAP is launching the campaign, “Koode par Jansamwad” - public discussions on garbage mismanagement across 13682 poll boths.

Meanwhile, Nitin Gadkari (Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India) is making his own khayali pulao! The following are some of his quotes from a recent interview:

  1. “Everyone has to work together.” and “We should forget politics.”

  2. “We are making more roads and bringing in EV vehicles.”

  3. “People need to be educated and the focus is on road engineering and emergency services”

Save the Environment or don’t

The CSE report mentioned above also proposed some legit solutions to the worsening air quality. Some of these include improving bus services and metro integration, building walking/cycling infrastructure and, introducing congestion/pollution pricing.

It is also interesting to note that “COP27” or “United Nation Climate Change Conferences of the Parties” recently occured. Here, Rishi Sunak was seen rushing off stage and Union minister Yadav was seen inaugurating the Indian Pavilion. What does this mean? - well it’s open to interpretation.😅