🚨 Scrollify is live on playstore🚨

An experiment that changed our lives!

If somebody told me about the day when we would be launching our app to the public, I would have gone completely quiet not been able to digest the fact. But here we are today!

It has been one of the longest years of me and my co-founder Anshul’s short existence on planet Earth but today feels overwhelming.

Between the endless debates of how to solve all the problems life was throwing at us, finding new ways to complete a task and most importantly winning some and losing more, I am proud of how far we have come and excited on how far we have to go!

And all of this would not have been possible without our Scrollify family. If you have also waited like us to finally have a simple and engaging way to make sense of all the latest and trending things happening around us, look no further.

Download Scrollify today!

(For our IOS users we are working round the clock to break the good news to you soon🥹)

How to use the app

Scrollify news app aims to provide you with the best news consumption experience. We do this by providing a personalised and interactive content experience. You can enjoy news in the form of bite-sized content, memes and carousels. The app provides you with an unbiased opinion and information about all the important events around you.

The app allows users to express and share their opinions using the trending topics discussion forum and polls. The users can also personalise their experience by customising the notifications they receive and the content they consume.

You can consume all the latest news in the following formats and sections:-

News Flash

These provide short summary of roughly 40-60 words on all the latest developments around the world.

In depth coverage

These are fairly thorough and detailed pieces decoding and simplifying news and explaining various events.

Meme News

Bored of reading serious news all the time. Enjoy reading news with a twist of fun and humor through the most popular memes on the internet.

Trending Now

We all want to stay updated and informed about all the breaking news happening around us. This section provides dedicated feeds to the hottest news providing a 360 degree view of the information so that you don’t just read but understand the news as well. We also encourage you to participate in polls and discussions to share and express your opinions with the world.

We are just getting started and are determined to stay here to make consuming and understanding information easy and not at all boring!

It would be a big boost for us if you could share this with your friends and family!

Until we meet again :)