Snacking, Desi Tinder and unconventional businesses

In today's snack menu we shed some unconventional business models and how to capitalise on what your product or business does the best!

Why do we snack?

I was reading these various blogs on what causes snacking and why people eat in between meals or maybe when they are emotional or just bored!

There were quite a few interesting reasons I came across. Some said that when we crave junk foods like sugars or chips our body is actually requiring glucose or sodium. In other resources, we snack when we are bored or emotional because eating food releases happy chemicals in our bodies.

Now, this got me thinking isn't this true in the case of consuming knowledge and information as well?

Like I would want particular information when I need to produce it may be in some form or the other, can be at work or even in a social setting!

It's not like I sit every day thinking "Today I'm going to consume a full information buffet 3 times a day". No, I only think about finding information when I need it immediately.

Well snacking might not be healthy for you unless it's some healthy snacks but can information snacking prove happy and healthy for you and your brain?

Today in the snack menu we talk about businesses that don't earn the straight way. Right from our Desi Tinder to "I'm lovin it" McDonald's and our saviour Whatsapp.

A Truly Mad Startup Idea

When TrulyMadly was launched in 2014, everyone had just one question, what is the need for another dating app? Tinder had just launched in India a year ago and it was growing rapidly.

The problem with Tinder is it is very infamous for its large number of fake profiles. And the alternatives are matrimonial apps like which put emphasis on things like religion and caste that don’t matter as much nowadays. This creates a gap in the market for genuine dating apps.

So how did TrulyMadly grow to 8.5 million users going against already established Tinder?

Businesses that don’t earn the straight way

Making money is really hard! Making money by providing a service is even harder.

With so many options available at your fingertips today businesses have to really justify two crucial things:-

  1. Why use their product or service?

  2. Why pay them money

In some cases, convincing people to do both becomes very challenging and hence businesses often look at unconventional or offbeat ways of making money. And mind you it's not just startups that do so but even big established businesses.

Click the link below to read:

  1. Why McDonalds's is not a burger company?

  2. Why Google is not a search engine?

  3. Why whatsapp is not a messaging platform

Happy Scrolling!

Team Scrollify ♥️