The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of 2022 - Edition 1 🤠

Will the world end in the war or can I escape the metaverse?

It's the end of the year, and Youtube, Spotify, and everything in between have a list of 2022 wrapped.

Scrollify brings you a quick run-through of the best and worst that 2022 had to offer. Here is Scrollify wrapped 2022, breaking down the rollercoaster of a ride that 2022 was into four editions of our newsletter.

Here is Edition 1, covering major events from January 2022 to March 2022.

Ukraine is in shambles

It was a happy new year, new year’s resolution, and a new beginning for many around the world, but by February 24, 2022, all hell broke loose in Ukraine. The Russian Federation invaded the country, and the Russo- Ukrainian War escalated. Vladamir Putin, the Russian President, announced the launching of a special military operation in Eastern Ukraine.

Okay, so let’s look at the events. He let them believe his tall claims that Ukrainian territory would not be occupied. The Ukrainian people believed their self-determination rights would not be tampered with. However, what they didn’t see coming was that there was a clause to the claim. Any bloodshed, Putin said, would only result from how the Ukrainian regime treated them. Turmoil followed suit. Explosions, Russian troops, fights, violence, riots, ballistic missiles, and military vehicles stormed and captured the streets of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, and other Ukrainian areas.

Volodymyr Zelensky proclaimed martial law and broke all ties with Russia. A major conversation during this time broke when the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergey Lavrov, accused NATO and the European Union of supporting the impending commencement of a nuclear war. ****The conflict led to millions of death and a humanitarian crisis in the region. The leaders sat for rounds of conversation for peace resolutions but war is a war, which means that people will be at stake. The UN estimates that more than 3.2 million people fled Ukraine after the war broke out.

In all this turmoil, many personalities and International organizations put in their efforts to provide aid to the Ukrainian people. Being a daughter of immigrants, and born in Ukraine, American actress Mila Kunis is one such person who raised funds for Ukraine. At the same time, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher donated $ 3 million to the refugees displaced by the Russian war. The fundraiser beat the $30 million goal and nearly $35 million. President Volodymyr Zelensky is a strong pillar that stands tall for the spirit of Ukraine. In the resistance that the country had shown in the face of the Russian invasion.

So what is the status of the war now, you ask? Ukraine now has a part of the country known as Russia annexed Ukraine. Putin has mentioned that the situation is extremely difficult in these areas, and there are higher levels of surveillance and security. And during that period, the rest of the world feared talks of a World War III led by nuclear ammunition would follow.

With the amount of bloodshed, was it a good start to the year? Most definitely not.

Technology: An escape- metaverse

Metaverse was the new talk of the town. Facebook, who we have known and grown up with, suddenly became Meta. Facebook changed its status from social media company to a metaverse company.

So why was the need for Facebook to change its entire personality? In an interview, Mark Zuckerberg said that he realized that though social media has traversed expectations, it is not the future. Artificial intelligence and virtual intelligence platforms are on the rise. People always want to move forward, and the metaverse should be the future. Yes, when Facebook started, it was a means by which people connected from around the world. Now it is time to create a new world to escape into; the answer is the metaverse. With people fearing an impending World War III, the metaverse sure seems enticing.

Products to make 2023 easier

Take a look at some exciting examples of websites you can use to make your life much easier.

Disclaimer: These product recommendations are not sponsored and are a recommendation by the Editor


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We'll be back with Edition 2 Namaste 2022 tomorrow

Tell then I hope you keep well and keep learning.

On behalf of Scrollify Team ♥️

Manas Agarwal