The Universe, Physics and New Technology

In today's snack menu we take a look to understand how we can find the answer to why people reject new technology in physics and the universe.

One of an interesting concept in physics is that when any object faces a change in energy it takes the appropriate steps to get back into its balanced state.

If you look at it there's balance in everything. There's heads and tails, yin and yang, 0 and 1, basically n number of combinations that exist in the world. Let's say a combination exists where the two parties are:-

  • The technological advancement (Rate at which new technology is being developed)

  • Adoption time (Time to adapt to a particular technology)

Whenever there a new technology introduced it shifts the status quo as it offers a new way of living. Look at all the technological advancements be it the wheel, the construction of houses or the computer. It is shifts the energy of the people and offers them a new way to make their lives easier. This is the change in energy that a new object (we) experiences and to return to its normal state it(we) require time.

Now think about it what would happen when there is a sudden outburst of technology?

People don't even get a chance to get into their normal state before a new product or a new technology is launched. This often leads to rejection of new ideas or technology ? Well it may seem that but what we are taking our own sweet time to just adopt to it and make it our own!

The best example is that of a thermometer which took 100 years to become a widespread and standard instrument for measuring body temperature.

Maybe all the cryptocurrency and the idea of a decentralised internet is being rejected right now just because it is going to take some time to adopt it!

C Carbon

Google Engineer Chandler Carruth introduced a completely new and unique programming language!

What makes Carbon special is that it will be a jumping point to modern development concepts such as memory safety and generics.

Read all about what C Carbon is and what makes it special 👇🏻


In the information age, whoever controls the lists, controls the power.

Token Curated Registry(TCR) is a new technology which a community of people use to make accurate lists.

The reward system in TCR is based on a digital coin - a programmed value that runs on blockchain technology.

Read all about Token Curated Registry 👇🏻